How-to import MySQL database from dump file

Here’s very simple way to import MySQL database from any MySQL dump file with few easy commands.

First start MySQL by connecting to the host with username

mysql -u [YOUR_USERNAME] -p -h [YOUR_HOST]

Fill up square brackets with your credentials. If you are working on personal computer, your host will most probably be localhost. -p is needed if you had set a password to your Username (which you always should).

Now you will be in MySQL prompt. Create a new database with your preferred name and exit from the prompt

mysql> create database [NEW_DATABASE];
mysql> exit;

If you want to replace existing database with same name, you must remove it (drop it) before creating it. This line should prepend above lines in MySQL prompt.

mysql> drop database [OLD_DATABASE];

You are back to shell command prompt. You can simply import the data from dump file into newly created database.


That’s all. You’ve got your precious data in new database.

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